I'm at home with a sick chickie today, my Ally-Bug has been under the weather, but I still wanted to share a Technique with you.
For this week- let's talk SKETCHES!
I am a HUUUUUGE fan of Sketches! If you are every in a rut or can't get your mojo flowing- sketches are the perfect answer for you!
Many times, I won't follow them exactly, but they give me the jump start that I need to get my page rollin'.
Their are so many resources out their to help you find the perfect sketch! Here are just a few links that I wanted to share:
Got Sketch?
Pencil Lines
Every year in January, Scrap-Friendzy hosts a SKETCH-A-THON where over 30 sketches are posted! You can check it out here:
If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can have sketches right at your fingertips with Sketches2Scrapbook's new apps! Search for them in the app store or click the link below for more info:
I also create my own sketches sometimes, so here is one I've recently come up with:
I used this sketch to create the page we've been using for Technique Tuesday all month:
And here's an example page that my Mama created based on this sketch:

So for this Technique Tuesday special, create a page using my sketch above and bring it into the store any day in February, and I'll give you 40% off any one item!! I can't wait to see how this sketch inspires you!
Get To Scrappin'!!
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